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Equalactin Citrus Flavored Chewable Tablets - 48 ea
$13.67 $13.83
Equalactin Citrus Flavored Chewable Tablets - 48 ea Equalactin is a non-prescription medicine formulated to help with irritable bowel symptoms. Equalactin relieves the symptoms of Nervous Stomach (similar to irritable Bowel), such as loose bowels, irregularity, abdominal discomfort and constipation, is caused by water in the bowel, and afflicts millions. Equalactin provides relief by equalizing the water balance to restore normal bowel movements . When you feel the onset of nervous stomach symptoms, take equalactin to provide relief and prevent the episode from becoming severe.If you suffer from alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation, if you have abdominal pain, gas and bloating, mucous in the stool - or all of the above - you may have irritable bowel syndrome. It is a widespread condition. As many as one in five adults get it. Over half the people who visit gastroenterologists suffer from IBS. Three out of four sufferers are women.
Equalactin Citrus Flavored Chewable Tablets - 48 ea Equalactin is a non-prescription medicine formulated to help with irritable bowel symptoms....